Professional Development
Professional Development Tracking
Please take the time to document your Professional Development!
Sr School Teachers please add your IT Professional Development and Certifications to this sheet.
Jr School Teachers, please add all of your Professional Development and Certifications to this sheet.
Professional Development Opportunities for Staff:
It is important that as teachers and faculty members we feel empowered continue our professional growth to better ourselves professional and support our role at St. John's. Keeping a growth mindset also models the learning that we expect of our students. There are many wonderful opportunities for our St. John's Staff.
A growing library of books has been collected by the coordinators for staff use. These books range from classroom management to technology use to specific classroom subjects. Please speak with one of the coordinators to find out more.
There are numerous workshops available for staff to attend. Most of these workshops are free and online.
Holly Clark's free online workshops on Mastering Flipgrid, Getting to Know Adobe Spark and the Book Creator Master Class.
Ed Tech Team is offering free online Professional Development workshops for a limited time.
Global Online Academy is offering an excellent and free Designing for Online Learning course.
Please note Jump Math Workshops can be found here.